Scoliosis Chiropractor in Wheat Ridge CO


Scoliosis is an irregular curve of the spine when viewed from the back. The curve can be in the shape of a “C” or an “S ” and typically develops during adolescence. It is most commonly diagnosed by a school nurse or pediatrician but these children commonly do not receive any treatment for their condition other than occasional monitoring by an orthopedic doctor. Wheat Ridge chiropractor Dr. Al Simeone offers successful treatment for patients with scoliosis related pain and injury.

Scoliosis in Childhood can Lead to Pain in Adulthood—Chiropractic Care Provides Relief

Scoliosis develops while the spine is still growing and vulnerable to developmental changes. Habitual poor posture—like carrying a backpack that is too heavy or only over one shoulder day after day. In severe and some moderate cases, an orthopedist might recommend wearing a back brace or even surgery to insert metal rods to straighten the spine. In mild and most moderate cases, however, it is common for no treatment to be offered under most circumstances. The plan for most is to have their scoliosis monitored on occasion to see if the scoliosis is going away or getting worse. This commonly leads to a child’s spine developing into an adult with irregular curvatures in their spine that solidifies. Even mild scoliosis cases can cause frequent and severe back pain later in life.

That is why it is important for parents to know how chiropractic care can help their children develop a healthy spine and avoid future problems in adulthood. Regular chiropractic maintenance care, just like regular dental care, while a child is still growing can minimize and even fully correct the irregular curvature, preventing problems as an adult.

Adults who have scoliosis can still get relief with chiropractic care. Our Wheat Ridge chiropractor Dr. Al Simeone knows this through his experience treating many scoliosis patients.

Here is one of our many reviews


I have a severe case of scoliosis, been treated by multiple chiropractors yet Dr. Al was the one who stood out compared to the others. Within a month of being his patient, I started not only seeing improvement in my body but also feeling it. My scoliosis causes unbearable back pain, migraines, loss of focus yet Dr. Al manages to find treatment that helps that and more. After being told by multiple doctors that there’s not much they can do for me I lost a bit of hope until I found out about him. He not only cares about my body and health but rather me as a whole. He gets to know each and every one of his patients which to me is very important, it shows I’m more than a patient. If you’re looking for a chiropractor that excels at what he does, look no further than Dr. Al over at The Disc Chiropractor

-Odaly C.


Frequently Asked Questions : FAQ

What is scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a condition that affects the neuromusculoskeletal (nerves, muscles and skeletal) system causing a “C” or “S” shaped curve in the spine. The majority of cases are adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), which means the cause is unknown.
If I have scoliosis, will my child get it?
Scoliosis does run in families. Many parents might think that nobody in the family has scoliosis but in reality it is likely that someone in the family does have an undiagnosed or minor scoliosis.
My child was diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) – what should I do?
Hopefully your childs scoliosis was diagnosed at an early stage because treatment can stop the progression and even reduce the abnormal curve. It is common to be able to reduce a scoliosis curve to less than 10 degrees. Many doctors do not consider a curve in the spine measuring less than 10 degrees to be scoliosis.
How has scoliosis been treated historically?
The most common treatments for scoliosis are bracing, surgery, observation and chiropractic care. Braces are used when the curve reaches 25 degrees and surgery if the curve progresses to 40 degrees. Observing a mild curve simply allows the curve to worsen over time and chiropractic care is a proactive treatment to prevent the curve from worsening and even reducing the curve itself.
What is a Cobb angle?
The Cobb angle is drawn based on X-ray and measures the lateral curvature of the spine. It is a limited measurement because it measures a two-dimensional angle of a three-dimensional spine, meaning it does not account for the rotation of the spine.
Will my child's scoliosis progress?
The probability of your child’s scoliosis progressing is based on the severity of your child’s current curve. For mild curves (less than 20 degrees) there is a 22% chance of progressing. If your child’s curve is 20 degrees or more, there is a 68% chance that their curve will progress and if their curve is greater than 30 degrees it has a 90% chance of progressing.
Why is early stage scoliosis intervention so important?
Starting chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy and therapeutic exercises as early as possible offer the best outcomes. Our goal is preventing your child’s curve from reaching 20 degrees or reduce it to less than 20 degrees if possible to prevent the curve from progressing.
What activities should scoliosis patients avoid?
Scoliosis patients should limit activities that place excess stress on the spine such as one-sided sports and activities that alter the spine’s position. Frequent texting and high-impact running are also activities that should be avoided.
How should I sleep if I have scoliosis?
It is best to sleep on a mattress that is firm to offer support while sleeping. It is best to avoid sleeping on your stomach because it places stress on the neck and spine. It is recommended to place pillows or rolled up towels under your shoulder or ribcage to support your curve while sleeping on your side.
Schedule an Appointment for Scoliosis Treatment Today
If you have a young adolescent who has been diagnosed scoliosis or are an adult suffering the effects of untreated scoliosis, reach out to us today : 720-573-4910.