Wrist pain, carpal tunnel, weakness, numbness and tingling can prevent you from working and enjoying life the way you want. Pain medications can temporarily cover the pain, and receiving the right treatment depends on getting an accurate diagnosis of your wrist injury. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common type of wrist pain, but there are many others. Wheat Ridge chiropractor Dr. Al Simeone can accurately diagnose and effectively treat most causes of wrist pain, helping you get long-lasting relief.
Frozen Shoulder Pain Causes
The types of wrist injuries below respond exceptionally well to chiropractic care, therapeutic exercises and soft tissue therapy. Dr. Al Simeone also offers ergonomic recommendations to prevent wrist pain from coming back. These natural, non-invasive, drug-free methods of care can resolve your wrist pain, improve range of motion and help you get back to living your life how you choose. These are the most common causes of wrist pain that our chiropractor regularly treats.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Inflammation inside of the bony carpal tunnel compresses the median nerve. This causes shooting pain, weakness, numbness & tingling of the wrist and hand. It commonly makes gripping objects difficult. Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly the result of an overuse injury especially with poor ergonomics when working from a desk or a mobile device. Subluxations in the upper part of the spine are common when carpal tunnel is experienced on both wrists.
Strained or Sprained Wrist
These injuries commonly occur when you fall on an outstretched hand, causing your wrist to bend back unexpectedly. A strain is an injury to the muscles and tendons and a strain is an injury to the ligaments. Chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy and proper ergonomics while working from a desk or mobile device is effective treatment for both sprain and strain injuries.
Frequently Asked Questions : FAQ
How can I tell if my hand or wrist pain is due to my work?
It can be challenging to know if your wrist pain is caused by your work if you did not experience a traumatic accident. Many work-related wrist pain injuries are caused by overuse, poor ergonomics and repetitive motion injuries