Wrist pain, carpal tunnel, weakness, numbness and tingling can prevent you from working and enjoying life the way you want. Pain medications can temporarily cover the pain, and receiving the right treatment depends on getting an accurate diagnosis of your wrist injury. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common type of wrist pain, but there are many others. Wheat Ridge chiropractor Dr. Al Simeone can accurately diagnose and effectively treat most causes of wrist pain, helping you get long-lasting relief.
Wheat Ridge Chiropractor Provides Shoulder Pain Treatment
Getting an accurate diagnosis is crucial to relieving shoulder pain because there are multiple causes. Our Wheat Ridge chiropractor has successfully resolved most cases of shoulder pain with conservative chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy & therapeutic exercises
What Are the Causes of Shoulder Pain?
There are many causes of shoulder pain. The treatment that you need depends on the root cause of the problem. To offer you the best care, Dr. Al Simeone will diagnose the cause and provide a personalized plan to correct the cause of your shoulder pain.
There are many causes and types of shoulder pain:
Rotator Cuff Issues
Frozen Shoulder
If you ignore a shoulder issue, it will eventually become stiff, stuck and painful to the point you cannot even lift your arm. When this happens, everything is harder to do in life. Cortisone injections and physical therapy can be used to treat this problem but they don’t always work. That is where chiropractic and soft tissue therapy comes in. For many people, this combination is the key to long-lasting improvement in rage of motion and pain relief.
Pinched Nerves
Chiropractor Dr. Al Simeone can accurately diagnose the root cause of your shoulder pain with a detailed exam, Xray and in severe cases an MRI. Rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder and pinched nerves all respond very well to conservative chiropractic care combined with soft tissue therapy, therapeutic exercises and physical therapy. If your case is severe though, he may refer you to an orthopedic specialist if necessary.
Get Help for Your Shoulder Pain From Our Wheat Ridge Chiropractor
What are some of the Common Causes of Shoulder Pain?
What are Symptoms of Shoulder Pain?
Why do I have shoulder pain?
What are Chiropractic Treatment Options for Shoulder Pain?
If you live in Wheat Ridge and your shoulder pain is preventing you from enjoying your daily activities, reach out to our chiropractor Dr. Al Simeone at 720-573-4910 and get the relief you need!